Events Module & Event Registration Form - using appeals to track

I am fairly new to my organization and have been tasked with creating some different types of event registration forms on BBNC. One of the things it looks like we used to do was track people/orgs that registered for exhibitor slots in Appeals. With the new Events Registration form, you can automatically populate a fund in that registration, but not an appeal. 


9/9, Julia Diepernick

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  • Nov 18 2016
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  • Lindsay Doran commented
    May 01, 2018 13:44

    This is something that would save a lot of time, and I'm not sure why BB hasn't implimented it. There's a place to choose an appeal in the donation forms, so why not in event registrations?

    As a Hospital foundation we have a lot of funds (one for every unit of the Hospital, and then some). However, we do not use event-specific funds. A number of events would fundraise for the Cancer Fund, a few more for the Cardiac Fund, etc. It's the best way to keep things organized.

    It would save us a lot of time when processing registrations if the Appeal would automatically populate when it's moving from BBNC to RE.

    Hopefully they figure this out and add it to a future update! It's silly that it's not already a feature.

  • Guest commented
    October 20, 2017 18:29

    Donation form parts allow using appeals - hard to believe event registration part does not.  After all, appeals are used to track how the transaction was solicited.  We definitely want to know how a constituent found out about the event - email, facebook, twitter, etc., but it's not an option for events.  A workaround is to add a participant attribute - but then the constituent has to select it for every single person they register during that one transaction.