Future Event Registration System Suggestions

Would it be possible for a future update of the Blackbaud NetCommunity registration system to include some of the suggestions listed below? We've encountered issues with alumni who weren't sure how to properly register for events when one registration form is used for multiple events (i.e. Homecoming Weekend events). Registration process would be broken down as follows:
Step 1: Registrant information
Step 2: Add guest names
Step 3: Select events for each person to attend, such as Friday night mixer for two of three guests and Sunday morning brunch for all guests
Step 4: Enter payment information via Blackbaud Merchant Services and submitWhen selecting to use the same registrant information for multiple events on the same registration form, it automatically bumps the user back to the top of the webpage without warning. Would it be possible to bump the user back down to the section of the registration page that they were filling out after they click to use the same registrant information?
Would it be possible to have participant attributes (i.e. class year) autofill if the system detects that the same person is registering for two events on the same form? (Assuming that the first suggestion isn't possible.)


Beth Silverman, 10/27, 2 votes

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  • Nov 18 2016
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