Phone type on registration forms

Since we are only able to collect one phone type on event registration pages in SPARK, we have a dilemma what to map to it. Traditionally we mapped to Home phone type, bur our younger folks tend to enter a Mobile number. We would like to see an option for the user to indicate which phone type they are entering, home, mobile, or even business, this way we can save time trying to guess what they have entered, and whether we should accept the number or reject, then manually update it based on our assumptions.

  • Deleted User
  • Jul 6 2016
  • In Review
  • Attach files
  • Michael Steven commented
    March 24, 2017 15:06

    We have the same issue - this applies to User Login, Donation and Membership parttypes.

    We have had to make the field be entitled "Home / mobile phone" and manually change the phone type of any mobile numbers to the correct type within RE.

    A simple change would be to allow for Additional phone type 1 - 5 already contained under Sites and Settings to be available under Event, User Login, Donation and Membership page types.