Combine company name with the individual's name and address, etc.

Why can't the Net Community on-line form have a line for the Company making the memorial donation, a line "c/o the individual's name", then line for the address, line for city, state zip, phone number, email address, etc. Instead of having all of the individual's info, then having to link the organization/company - which ends up creating 2 records in RE.  One record is created for the INDIVIDUAL, with complete address, phone, email, but THE GIFT IS NOT attached to this record.  The second record is created for the COMPANY, with no address or any other info, but THE GIFT IS attached to this record.  This leads to getting the info from the individual's record and typing it into the company's record (since this is the record with the gift attached), reentering the individual's info under the relationship tab, and DELETING the individual's record (since it has no gift attached to it).

  • Guest
  • Mar 14 2017
  • Attach files