Allow more administrative management of reviews in Gifts Online

In transitioning from a decade of hardcopy/emailed reviews to the Reviewer Portal for Gifts Online it's natural that many glitches are encountered and errors made.  The reviewers are generally very busy researchers, MD's, and college deans, who are also unpaid.  There is a strong working relationship and a high degree of trust between the reviewers and the grant administrative staff.  More ability of the administrators to a) enter reviews that had to be emailed to them, b) modify status ,and c) print application information, would save a lot of time for reviewers, administrators, and customer support.  It is awkward and undesirable on many levels to ask a reviewer for their password/userid, yet this seems to be the only solution for now.  As part of improving the reviewer experience, I would also suggest more design control over application printouts.  Many reviewers strongly prefer to work from printouts, yet also want to see the entire application. We are struggling with long pages of redundant output.

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  • Aug 9 2017
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