Customizable Gender Options

Hello Blackbaud and community, 

We are looking to be inclusive both in Raiser's Edge (both database and NXT) and BBNC by allowing our alumni, students, parents, and friends self report their gender through the BBNC profile tool. Currently the table, which is labelled sex by default, has Male, Female, and Unknown as the defaults which are unable to be changed. In RE, we are able to add additional options. We have added Transgender and Non-Binary but BBNC will not recognize the additions and allow them to be changed through the BBNC profile tool. 

We are requesting for institutions and other users of Blackbaud products be able to customize their gender tables and have those customization be reflected in BBNC.


Dan Say
Grinnell College  

  • Dan Say
  • Sep 5 2018
  • Attach files
  • Evan Ward-Henninger commented
    December 09, 2020 19:34

    This is an excellent point and it is, frankly, offensive that Blackbaud has not yet addressed this issue. It needs to be corrected immediately. We've heard from our donors and community on this and it's embarassing that it hasn't been changed.

  • Lindsay Doran commented
    March 29, 2019 15:02

    their gender*

  • Lindsay Doran commented
    March 29, 2019 15:01

    Great idea!

    However, would transgender be an option here? Would the person who identifies as transgender not choose the gender they identify as - i.e. male, female, non-binary? Knowing they're transgender isn't required, just knowing their pronoun is.

    If I'm off base here just let me know, I'm always willing to learn a lesson :)