Ability to override 'request no email' block for emails on NetCommunity (for regulatory emails)

We have a number of regulatory emails that we are required to send by the government as well as administrative emails for those who sign up to events etc... (not marketing or consent based). If they have opted out of general emails comms we obviously have the 'request no email' ticked on their constituent record which blocks all emails via NC, even the non consent/marketing based ones.

In NetCommunity it would be exceptionally useful if, when creating an email, a supervisor could have the ability to mark that particular email as administrative which would over ride the block and send the email out even if 'request no email' is ticked. At the moment we are having to identify people with that box ticked for each email list via query, unticking the box, then sending the email, then reticking the box for each record which is taking up a lot of resource time.

  • Lauren Coombes
  • Oct 22 2018
  • Attach files