Update "Info Source" and "Date From" on New Addresses and "Date To" on Previous

I recently discovered that when a new address is processed through the "Profile Updates" section of the NetCommunity plug-in that neither the "Info Source,"  nor the "Valid Date From:" field on that new address in RE is updated with, well, anything! The logical values would be "BBNC" or "Self" and the Valid Date From: would be the date the user submitted the request.  In order to capture this information we need to manually add it in RE to the new address, a step which we  think could (and frankly, should) be simply handled by the plug-in. This oversight (?) has left us with many addresses updates without an Info Source. And it appears that the plug-in also doesn't set the "Valid Date To" on the now previous address which means even more time-consuming manual editing and a very disjointed work-flow.   Please allow users to set the "Info Source" and "Date From" and "Date To" fields as appropriate within the Net Community plug-in so these fields are automatically posted when the new address is processed.  Please support and vote up this idea! PS: I'm new to this board and am wondering why there are so many requests that are two year's old and astonishingly few that are planned or implemented?  How often are these ideas reviewed, commented on, and put in queue for development? How many votes are required to put an item in development? Comment/Feedback by Forum administrator would be appreciated.  Thank you.

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  • Jan 4 2019
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