Net Community Form details and Payment integration or linked reporting

Does anyone else have a problem connecting the payments to the forms in NetCommunity?  If BB or NetCommunity or BBMS developers would...Please include the student ID; the payer login ID and payer login Name to the Payment exports.  Or better yet increase the filter options to include form selection, or have the date include time so we can connect the payment to the detail submission time stamp...OR even better still create a report where we can select the data we want to see, would improve our efficiencies 10 fold!  Right now, we can NOT easily associate the student's form detail information to the payer information.  It's a huge puzzle to connect the payment to the student form without that information!  Sadly the best way to identify whose $ belongs to which student form is by comparing submission date and time on the detail tab info to the placement or ORDER the payments come in on the payment tab!
  • Deleted User
  • Jul 18 2016
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