Add Event Name to Guest Registrations, and add Phone Number to Merge Fields

1.  We often have multiple events registrations.  It would be useful to have the Event Name listed next to the Registrant & Guest names in the Plug In. When the plug in gives an error when processing an event registration, It is hard to know exactly which guest registration it is talking about.  

2.  Also,  It would be helpful to add the Phone Number field as a merge field.  In a registration there is the option to include Phone number and Email for each registrant.  There is no where to include the phone number field in any of the communication.  The phone number does show when you link to a constituent, but does not show in the email, or the Export from the Plug In.  If I do not open every constituent then the information is Lost. Please add the merge field for telephone.

  • Candy Reichert
  • Feb 25 2020
  • Attach files