BBNC Spark: Giving customers the option to change the registrant or ticket quantity field to zero

It would be great if the development team would update the code for BBNC Spark and OLX to allow customers to enter in a zero for the ticket or registrant quantity field. I recently added an event to BBNC Spark where I had a problem adding Advertising items to purchase separate from tickets. I spoke with our Account Manager and it was suggested we upgrade to OnlineExpress. However, it does not allow us to change the ticket or registrant quantity to zero. I thought by adding separate pages for Registering, Sponsorship and Ads would solve my problem and no dice. So I just added contact information for people interested in purchasing Ads. Has anyone had a similar issue when entering items that are being sold online that are separate from purchasing tickets to an event?
  • Deleted User
  • Jul 18 2016
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